Sunday, December 30, 2007

Just Off Topic...

So I decided to start a blog. It's something I've been intending to do for quite a while now, but never really got around to. I guess I'm just curious to see how long I can keep it going. Going off my friends' successes (or lack thereofs), I'm guessing it'll probably keel over and die within a few weeks, but we'll see.

In case you're wondering about the title, I'm sorry I couldn't come up with anything more relevant, or some kind of humorous pun on my name. Every sensible variation on my name was taken, in most cases by some useless idiot who had only made one or two posts before giving up - for the most pathetic, disappointing effort at a blog I have ever seen, try - I can't believe I'm even giving this guy traffic... Anyway, I started trying some of the phrases that are stereotypically 'me', but naturally most of them were taken as well *sigh*. In the end it was a toss up between this or 'slightly off topic', both of which I tend to use as a conversational segue into a completely unrelated topic. After a quick search, it seems that there's already a reasonably well-established site with the url, so not wanting to unnecessarily confuse stupid people (of which there seem to be plenty), I went with "Just Off Topic".

So what can you expect to see here? Hopefully no more dribble about choosing URLs. I tend to have a natural interest in computing and music, so I guess both of these will feature prominently, along with anything else that happens to pop into my head while I'm on one of my epic train trips (like now).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And I thank you for going with Just Off Topic rather than stepping on Slightly Off-Topic. Good luck with your blog...generally such pursuits come and go in waves (the ebb and flow of interest in any given project, I suppose). On, I've set an update schedule which keeps me going, but on my regular blog...posting can be sporadic. Regardless, thanks again.


Oh...and yeah, I agree...I don't know what the christmas light manufacturers are thinking when they put out some of their controllable lights...makes one long for the simpler days of Blink or No Blink